Territorio Mudéjar returns to CortonaOpen3D

Territorio Mudéjar participates one more year in the workshop of the Polytechnic of Milan and the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera: CortonaOpen3D. This is a course specialising in “SmartCityDesign” (smart city design) in a Cultural Heritage context and will be held from 1 to 10 August in the Italian town of #Cortona (in the province of Arezzo, Tuscany). Due to the health situation, there will be a combination of face-to-face and online training.

The workshop lasts approximately 100 hours divided between classroom lessons, lectures and project workshops in which between 50 and 100 international students participate. In this meeting, the participants develop a SmartCityDesigns project within the city of Cortona.

In this framework, Victoria E. Trasobares Ruiz, director of Territorio Mudéjar, will be one of the invited specialists. Her conference will focus on: “Territorio Mudéjar, a strategic example of heritage management: the project behind the projects”, as an example of innovative management of historical and artistic heritage in rural areas.

The director of Territorio Mudéjar will give this lesson from #Tobed (Zaragoza) through the digital platform set up for the workshop. It will also be the starting point of the many and varied activities to which the internship students of the #ChallengeProgramme 2021, the initiative financed by the Council of Zaragoza and managed through Universa, the Guidance and Employment Service of the University of Zaragoza, will be able to attend.