We are never lazy to go back to school, especially if we do it to talk about how to bring the Mudejar heritage closer to future generations.
Over the last few months we have been working with the teams from schools such as CEIP Maestro Monreal in Ricla, CEIP Virgen de la Peana in Ateca, CEIP Fernando el Católico in Villarreal de Huerva, CEIP Santa Ana in Mainar, CRA Río Ribota (Aniñón, Cervera de la Cañada, Torralba de Ribota, Villarroya de la Sierra) and CEIP Fernando el Católico in Quinto to develop our Circular desde la escuela rural (Rural School in motion) programme. And we continue to move forward in the next phase and to expand this network.
It is clear to us that the rural school is a fundamental agent for the durability of links with places. As the director of Territorio Mudéjar, Victoria Trasobares, explains: “It means working from the foundations and with a medium-long term vision given that it allows us a double objective. On the one hand, to work on consolidating the school, and above all the teachers, as an active agent of quality. A measurable objective of this would be to increase the degree of reinforcement of the teaching teams. Education professionals who choose the rural school as their life project”.
On the other hand, she adds: “Working on local pride and rootedness, the rural school must be able to educate individuals with analytical skills and this can only be achieved by giving possibilities of knowledge, so that the villages unfold their full potential as a space for active learning and become a possible vital option for the future”.
Circular desde la escuela rural (Rural School in motion) is a cooperation project between rural development groups coordinated by the ADRI Calatayud-Aranda group, together with Cedemar, Adefo Cinco Villas, Asomo Moncayo, Adrae Comarca Ribera Alta del Ebro, Fedivalca and Adri Jiloca Gallocanta, and financed by the Government of Aragon, from the Leader programme, and the Provincial Council of Zaragoza through the association Territorio Mudéjar, as a private collaborating entity that manages the implementation and execution of the initiative.